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Clubs & Activities


- 2019 Orientation

Orientation week is one of the most important parts for any new coming students. Because students get to know many things about school, and also, they can get help from the school about paperwork and other procedures that need to be done before they start the semester.
In Fall 2019 Orientation Week, we have organized so many events to make it fun as well as productive.
We started the day by welcome speech by Professor Monica and moved on to icebreaker game called Bingo. It helped students know each better and become friends. After the icebreaker, we had campus tour followed by lunch. The students were helped to apply for Visa and Bank account in the afternoon.
In the second day, it started by doing course registration and school email creation. After that students had information session on dormitory and academic affairs. To make the orientation little bit fun, we invited Woosong Kpop group and perform for students. It followed by interesting Korean games and our Korean friends showed how to play them.

- 2019 Culture Day

ECIS and SIS came together to celebrate our diversity and establish a stronger unity through the Culture day event on 2019.11.07. Culture Day was held in two parts, cuisine competition and cultural performance. In cuisine competition, students prepared their own traditional dishes that are from Nepal, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, China, Spain, Mexico, and Nigeria. In cultural performance, students performed their countries’ traditional dance, songs, and other performances. Participant countries were Nepal, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, China, USA, Nigeria, and South Korea. All the cuisines and performances were remarkable, and it was a wonderful time to see the strengthened school spirit and unity.

- 2019-2 Midtem Exam Encouragement Week

During midterm and final exam period in 2019 Fall semester, ECIS & SIS had an encouragement event with notes and candies. When students wrote encouraging phrases on sticky notes, they could take candies. It was a fun and joyful event to relieve students’ stress from exams.

- 19 Halloween – Door Decoration Competition

ECIS and SIS held a Halloween Door Decoration Competition between Oct. 23th and 25th. Each department had formed a team to decorate their department chair’s office door and a classroom door with Halloween theme.

- Overall Explanation about Endicott College and Sol International School in Woosong University

Endicott College and Sol International School will be a great place for you to learn and seize what you want for the future.