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Tech Studies students publish chapter in Springer Book

Writer : 학과관리자 | Date : 2021.04.26 | Hit : 5,413

Endicott College of International Studies Technology Studies Department senior students Akobir Istamov and Vanessa Garza have published their first research chapter in a Springer book titled “Blockchain for IoT Applications.”

In their chapter, they discuss FaceHub, a facial recognition attendance system for universities where facial recognition data management happens within a blockchain system. Utilizing Blockchain technology would ensure the safe and secure management of any facial data and permissions given. The requirements for modeling and creation of the real-time facial recognition system would bring reliability, low cost, low time consumption, ease of implementation, and agility for future implementations.

This published chapter has been selected as immediately accessible research by PubMed Central® (PMC), which provides a free full-text archive for biomedical and life science journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).

Getting involved in research this early helps our students stay updated on the fast-paced technology industry and develop an in-depth understanding of the field they want to specialize in.  Akbar Ismatov and Vanessa Garza thank Prof. Singh for his guidance while researching and writing their publication. 

You can find their article online at:


Well done Akbar and Vanessa!