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Global HR forum 2019 Seoul

Writer : 학과관리자 | Date : 2019.11.20 | Hit : 6,832

Earlier this month a group of our students were able to attend the Global HR Forum in Seoul.  They were able to hear global leaders (like Korean President Jae-In Moon, Former Security General of the UN BanKi Moon, and Former Prime Minister of Norway) speak about the fundamental issues of human resources; such as human dignity, diversity, and inclusion.  This type of exposure is so valuable in shaping our students to become future leaders in a global society.  We will always try to do events like this to help our students become the most successful versions of themselves.

More than 3,500 people from 58 countries attended various events and heard from 92 international speakers.  Under the topic of “Together, for a Better Future”, participants sought ways to minimize inequality.