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Publication by Dr. Umer Zaman

Writer : 학과관리자 | Date : 2019.03.18 | Hit : 7,795

Endicott College of International Studies is very proud to announce that a paper by "Dr. Umer Zaman"- has been published in the "International Journal of Project Management" which is an SSCI journal (5-Year Impact Factor 5.070) and ranked as A-class in the ABDC ranking. The journal is the highest ranked journal in the field of project management. The study empirically examined the interaction effects of social skills and political skills in the complexity–performance relationship in software projects. 

The paper is available online on Science Direct and cited as:

Zaman, U., Jabbar, Z., Nawaz, S., & Abbas, M. (2019). "Understanding the soft side of software projects: An empirical study on the interactive effects of social skills and political skills on complexity–performance relationship."- International Journal of Project Management," 37(3), 444-460. 
