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Recent publications of Dr. Madhusudan Singh

Writer : Dr. Hasan TINMAZ | Date : 2018.09.12 | Hit : 8,324
1.Dr. Madhusudan Singh published a paper in the SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciencesand Technology. The article entitled “Wireless Mesh Networks: Overview” presentsan overview of networks, wired networks, & wireless networks and Wireless MeshNetworks.

2.Dr. Madhusudan Singh published a paper in the Springer. The article entitled“Wireless Mesh Networks Architecture” presents the architecture of IEEE 802.11s andinfrastructure of Wireless Mesh Networks.

3.Dr. Madhusudan Singh published a paper in the Springer Nature, Singapore. Thearticle entitled “Routing Protocols for WMNs” presents and introduces datatransmission ways in wireless networks. It’s considers multiple routing protocolssuch as AODV, DSR, HWMP etc.